- About us
- ARI Updates
- Research
- Threatened plants and animals
- The Great Victorian Koala Survey
- Understanding threatened orchids – the dormancy puzzle
- 10inTen – recovering 10 threatened species in ten years
- Understanding and protecting our freshwater crayfish
- Helping platypus recover
- Southern Right Whales in Victoria
- Understanding and protecting our threatened galaxiids
- Recovery of Watson's Tree Frog
- Understanding threats to potoroos and bandicoots
- Smoky mouse movement across a strategic fuel break
- Salinity tolerance of Murray hardyhead
- Recovering Macquarie perch
- Plains-wanderer and Hooded Scaly-foot habitat
- Leadbeater’s Possum - camera surveys in trees
- Dandenong burrowing crayfish in cool temperate rainforest
- Freshwater catfish at Tahbilk Lagoon
- Extensive new knowledge on threatened species in the Central Highlands
- Protecting critically endangered grasslands on the private estate
- Melbourne Strategic Assessment Program - ARI
- Genetic management of threatened species breeding programs and translocations
- Rivers and estuaries
- Assessing benefits of water for the environment
- Instream Woody Habitat
- Fish Friendly Stream Gauging Station Program
- Genetic health of native fish
- Translocating River Blackfish in the Tarwin River Catchment
- Riparian Intervention Monitoring Program
- Index of Estuary Condition
- Fishways and fish movement
- Victorian Demonstration Reach Program
- Finbox
- Growth response of native fish to flows
- Murray River resnagging
- The Native Fish Strategy
- Lower Snowy River monitoring and assessment
- Native Fish Guide for Coastal Victoria
- Fish management advice informs Snowy 2.0
- Wetlands and floodplains
- Assessing wetland response to water for the environment
- Ecological monitoring within the Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project
- Restoring Black Box woodlands
- Tracking turtles to determine impacts of water for the environment
- Alpine Sphagnum bogs: if we map them we can manage them
- Wetland Intervention Monitoring Program
- Vegetation response to environmental watering at Hattah Lakes
- A guide to livestock grazing on wetlands
- Cultural conservation of freshwater turtles
- Fish spawning and recruitment
- Wetland connectivity
- Modelling
- Estimating wildlife abundance across Victoria
- Assessing ecosystem condition using expert judgements
- Biodiversity knowledge framework
- Regional Forest Agreements - ARI
- MSA - Population viability analysis models for threatened species
- Habitat distribution models (HDMs)
- Mapping vegetation extent and condition
- Population models to inform fish and waterway management
- Population models for native fish - response to flows
- Population modelling software
- Field techniques and monitoring
- Plant monitoring manual
- Dandenong Ranges windstorm forest recovery
- Discovering the secrets of Victoria’s small bats
- Ageing and sexing game birds using feathers
- Artificial intelligence identifies frogs – by their calls
- Assessing the conservation benefits of revegetation
- Assessing stock management practices on remnant vegetation in the Mallee
- Camera trapping
- eDNA technology - an innovative survey method
- Electrofishing technology
- Improving semi-arid non-eucalypt woodland condition
- Native Fish Report Card Program
- Restoration thinning to recover habitat
- Tracking eel migration using satellites
- Using monitoring to improve native vegetation management
- Victorian venom bank collaboration - snakes
- Waterbird surveys in a large, tidal bay
- Waterbirds at the Western Treatment Plant
- Walking with scientists VR 360
- Pests, weeds and overabundant species
- Best-practice guidelines for fox management
- Determining the population structure of feral pigs using genetics
- Deer-livestock interaction and disease
- Estimating carp biomass
- Koala translocation
- Managing invasive species in wetlands
- Weed control in threatened native grasslands
- Rabbit biological control
- Using models to help manage the impacts of Carp
- National emergency response system for freshwater fish incursions
- People and nature
- Threatened plants and animals
- Publications
Page last updated: 24/01/20