The Victorian Waterway Management Program includes significant investment in managing the threats from invasive plants and animals to wetland condition and values. Wetland managers seeking guidance and support about which species to focus on and how to effectively minimise impacts, require specific and readily accessible information. Strategies, guidelines, fact sheets, case studies, advice, training and mentoring have been identified by managers as being valuable resources to support their pest control programs.

ARI was involved in a collaborative project between 2016 and 2019 to provide support and develop resources for wetland managers, including:

  • An annual training course for the management of feral rabbits and pigs, foxes and carp in wetlands. This covered the essential knowledge and practical skills required to plan, support, advocate and implement pest management program, and includes workshops and field-based practical exercises.
  • Fact sheets summarising what is known about the environmental impacts of these four species on wetlands.
  • A process to prioritise 174 weed species within Victorian wetlands – included a voting and vetting system in consultation with wetland managers to identify 31 high priority weeds.
  • A collation of information on the 31 high priority weeds, including the way they impact on wetland values.

Saggitaria; a weed that can invade wetlands

A demonstration of rabbit warren ripping

This project was funded by Water & Catchments (DELWP), and represents a collaboration with the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (Agriculture Services and Biosecurity Operations, and Agribio), Invasive Species Cooperative Research Centre, Parks Victoria, Catchment Management Authorities and Doug Frood (consultant botanist).

For more information contact

The fact sheets and reports produced as part of this project are available below:

Fact sheets on animals:

Reports on weeds:

Page last updated: 28/03/25