In short

  • Since 2013, ARI has had feedback from over 530 partners about the quality of our work, the impact of the research for policy and management decisions and areas for improvement.
  • Our 2024 Survey results reported that 94% of our clients rated their overall satisfaction with ARI as good, very good or excellent.
  • 90% of our clients reported the impact or influence of our work as having a moderate to very high impact for their organisation.

Science impact through continuous improvement

At ARI, we are committed to both science excellence and client satisfaction. We are scientists because we want to contribute to evidence-based decision-making and we know that our science is assisting our partners to achieve this.

Since 2013, ARI has asked our clients for feedback about our performance and the impact of our research. Through an annual survey we continue to learn how we can improve our services and better support our clients to make meaningful and informed decisions to improve biodiversity outcomes.

Our commitment to continuously improving has seen our average Customer Satisfaction Rating increase over the last 11 years by 10% from Good (3.95) to Very good (4.32). This would not have been possible without the genuine feedback from 530 clients over this period.

In the 2023-24 financial year, ARI delivered on 311 projects for over 50 project partners from all levels of Government, resource management, universities and Traditional Owner organisations.

Our approach to research

Our clients are not only customers but partners in the research we deliver. Every project we deliver contributes to and benefits from over 50 years of ecological research in Victoria, from field observations to data management and analyses, and species expertise.

Our research is targeted, has direct application and is delivered directly to decision-makers in policy and resource management who can use it. This is why 90% of our clients say that our research has had a moderate to very high level of influence on their organisation’s work (60% high to very high in 2024).

As a Victorian Government Research Institute, ARI does not make profit and research investment supports the delivery science for the public good and protecting the environment.

What you can expect from working with ARI

  • Independent, trusted research delivered under the Victorian Public Service Code of Conduct
  • Research designed to answer your questions
  • Data with a legacy – our research is compatible with our other datasets so you can get the most out of your research investment
  • Responsive, transparent communications and project management
  • Quality communications products to help tell your science story to your audience
  • A collaborative approach that makes working with ARI an enjoyable experience.

2024 Partner Survey Report

Our 2024 ARI Partner Survey received 62 responses from Governments (Local, State, Federal and International), Catchment Management Authorities, Traditional Owner Organisation, consultants and universities. These represented projects of varying durations (from less than 6 months to multiple years), diverse research services and were mostly returning clients.

We are proud that 98% of our responding clients would recommend ARI to others, and almost 40% already have.

Impact of our research

Our partners come to us for our recognised expertise, quality outputs and for building strong research partnerships. For the first time, respondents highlighted that our research was expected to have impact in supporting and engaging with Traditional Owners.

The research we delivered in 2024 was expected to:

  • Inform management decision making (74% of projects)
  • Facilitate on-ground management actions (68% of projects)
  • Support communication programs (34% of projects)
  • Inform policy development (27% of projects).

What our clients say

  • Overall satisfaction – 100% of client's felt their overall satisfaction was good, very good or excellent (85% very good or excellent).
  • Understanding of the client's needs – 88% felt ARI had very good or excellent understanding of their research needs.
  • Rigour and robustness of the science – 94% said that ARI's science and thinking behind the project design was very good or excellent.
  • Quality products – 94% of our clients rated out reports, products or services as good, very good or excellent (84% very good or excellent)
  • Relevance of recommendations – where applicable, 93% said recommendations were good, very good or excellent.
  • Value for money – 85% of clients said ARI's overall value for money was good, very good or excellent.

Bar charts of how our partners see our science having impact for them

Bar charts of survey results for overall satisfaction, value for money, management of project, teimliness of milestones, relevance of recommendations, quality of outputs and robustness of the science

Partner testimony from 2024

“Best research organisation I work with for quality, service and timeliness. Very professional."

“The ARI team has delivered the work within budget and within very challenging deadlines.””

“The people. ARI staff are so knowledgeable and passionate and bring and share that knowledge in inclusive ways. I was also really impressed by ARI staff's ability to listen and incorporate Traditional Owner knowledge and aspirations into the project.”

“They're both so knowledgeable and are excellent communicators!”

“Solid technical understanding, great capacity to build a constructive relationship with weir keepers and teach them about attractant flows etc.”

“[ARI’s] flexibility allowed us to offer opportunities for TO partners and community members to observe/participate where possible. [Staff are] great at helping us identify knowledge gaps and finding a suitable project to address it ensuring our MERI program is robust and efficient”

“[We had] access to cutting edge expertise and methods, clear lines of communication which allowed us to work closely to meet the critical requirements of the work. Honest and frank discussions about what was possible in the timelines and working closely on solutions together that produced the best, most usable and fit for purpose tools.”

Page last updated: 20/03/25